Friday, 28 February 2014

Tying the Knot

I love this idea of literally tying the knot when the guest opens their invitation. Although I have created a nautical theme which the thin rough twine creating a knot compliments perfectly, other materials can be used to tie the knot; ribbon, thread, wool, etc. to complete the look of your design.

Petal Fold Invitations

Elegance... I love the petal fold invite. This sample uses white satin ribbon to keep the pochette closed. On the ribbon is a small card with the initials of the couple and 2 pearl embellishments. Once opened there is a belly band holding the invite and RSVP together. In this instance the belly band is printed paper however it can also be textured paper or ribbon depending on preference and what compliments the main design.

This petal fold design is quite traditional however it doesn't have to be, the pochettes are available in a variety of colours and the design will be reflective of your day. 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Fortune Teller Invitation

Research shows you some amazing ideas!

Remember the old paper game you made as a kid... fortune teller? Well I saw this concept used as an invitation and thought it was a brilliant idea. So I thought I'd try making one of my own...

(I won't lie - I needed a diagram to reboot the memory for folding it up!) 

This is a fun interactive idea that will stand out when you send to your guests. 

The concept can also be used as a Ceremony Booklet.... Who says your invites and booklets have to be flat prints.... Your wedding day is a reflection of you - anything is possible.